maanantai 14. tammikuuta 2013

Kolesterolilääkkeet varastavat muistia

Tiesitkö, että kolesterolilääkkeet saattavat mm.varastaa muistia?

Tosi hyvä bisnes lääketehtaille kolesterolilääkkeiden nousevat myyntikäyrät ja lisää rahaa sataa laariin, sitten kun mahdollisesti joudutaan hoitamaan toisilla lääkkeillä esim.kolesterolilääkkeiden  aiheuttamia haittavaikutuksia. 
Tuo raju suuntaus erillaisten lääkkeiden käytön raju lisääntyminen ei ole hyväksi kansantaloudelle eikä veronmaksajille  saatika sitten niistä inhimillisistä ongelmista, joita  aiheututuu  yksityiselle ihmiselle  ja heidän läheisilleen.
Otsan rypistys
Se ei ole dementiaa, se on sinun sydäntautilääke: Kolesterolilääkkeet ja muisti
Miksi kolesterolilääkkeet voivat vaikuttaa muistiin?

It's Not Dementia, It's Your Heart Medication: Cholesterol Drugs and Memory

Why cholesterol drugs might affect memory
Image: ISTOCK PHOTO/kickstand
One day in 1999 Duane Graveline, then a 68-year-old former NASA astronaut, returned home from his morning walk in Merritt Island, Fla., and could not remember where he was. His wife stepped outside, and he greeted her as a stranger. When Graveline’s memory returned some six hours later in the hospital, he racked his brain to figure out what might have caused this terrifying bout of amnesia. Only one thing came to mind: he had recently started taking the statin drug Lipitor.
Cholesterol-lowering statins such as Lipitor, Crestor and Zocor are the most widely prescribed medications in the world, and they are credited with saving the lives of many heart disease patients. But recently a small number of users have voiced concerns that the drugs elicit unexpected cognitive side effects, such as memory loss, fuzzy thinking and learning difficulties. Hundreds of people have registered complaints with MedWatch, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s adverse drug reaction database, but few studies have been done and the results are inconclusive. Nevertheless, many experts are starting to believe that a small percentage of the population is at risk, and they are calling for increased public awareness of the possible cognitive side effects of statins—symptoms that may be misdiagnosed as dementia in the aging patients who take them.
Fat and the Brain
It is not crazy to connect cholesterol-modifying drugs with cognition; after all, one quarter of the body’s cholesterol is found in the brain. Cholesterol is a waxy substance that, among other things, provides structure to the body’s cell membranes. High levels of cholesterol in the blood create a risk for heart disease, because the molecules that transport cholesterol can damage arteries and cause blockages. In the brain, however, cholesterol plays a crucial role in the formation of neuronal connections—the vital links that underlie memory and learning. Quick thinking and rapid reaction times depend on cholesterol, too, because the waxy molecules are the building blocks of the sheaths that insulate neurons and speed up electrical transmissions. “We can’t understand how a drug that affects such an important pathway would not have adverse reactions,” says Ralph Edwards, former director of the World Health Organization’s drug-monitoring center in Uppsala, Sweden.
Two small trials published in 2000 and 2004 by Matthew Muldoon, a clinical pharmacologist at the University of Pittsburgh, seem to suggest a link between statins and cognitive problems. The first, which enrolled 209 high-cholesterol subjects, reported that participants taking placebo pills improved more on repeated tests of attention and reaction time taken over the course of six months—presumably getting better because of practice, as people typically do. Subjects who were on statins, however, did not show the normal improvement—suggesting their learning was impaired. The second trial reported similar findings. And a study published in 2003 in Reviews of Therapeutics noted that among 60 statin users who had reported memory problems to MedWatch, more than half said their symptoms improved when they stopped taking the drugs. Lue lisää.....
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Tohtori Julian Whitaker Statiinit ja muistin menetys
Miksi Statiinit ovat huonoja  aivoille
by Julian Whitaker, M.D.

A retired professor of business law and computer science who was taking Zocor to lower his cholesterol was diagnosed with rapidly progressing probable Alzheimer’s disease. It got to the point that he had trouble carrying on conversations and recognizing people he’d known for 20 years, and long-term care was looming. After hearing about the association between statins and memory loss, he stopped taking Zocor, and over the next few months his cognitive function returned to normal. Lue lisää ...
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Ihmelääke, joka varasti  muistiani
Statiineja on tervehditty  ihmelääkkeenä kolesteroliin, mutta vähän tiedetään niiden haittavaikutuksista.
Wonder drug that stole my memory
Statins have been hailed as a miracle cure for cholesterol, but little is known about their side effects.
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Kannattaa käydä lukemassa myös Antti Heikkilä blogi:
Eli, sosiaalisten olojen parantumien on vähentänyt sydänkuolleisuutta Brasiliassa. Mutta se on liian monimutkaista meille suomalaisille. Sellaisella argumentilla ei voi myydä margariinia, eikä statiineja. Suomessa ei ole huomioitu sotaa, 60-luvun jättimuuttoliikettä, jolloin puoli miljoonaa ihmistä muutti maasta kurjuutta pakoon, sekä monia muita elämään keskeisesti vaikuttavia tekijöitä.
Ainoa, joka on puhunut muusta, on tutkija Markku Hyyppä, jonka perua on termi sosiaalinen pääoma. Hän kiinnitti huomiota sellaiseen pieneen yksityiskohtaan, että Länsirannikon ruotsinkielisten parissa kuollaan sydänkohtauksiin neljä kertaa harvemmin kuin Pohjois-Karjalassa, vaikka kolesterolitasot ovat samat. Mutta nuo asiat ovat vailla merkitystä yhden asian liikkeen ihmisten mielissä. Puuttuu ymmärrys, empatia ja kanssaelämisen kyky: minä vaan, minun menestykseni ja lääketehtaiden raha, joka mahdollistaa tuon kaiken. Lue lisää..

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